
Let us show you how our products and services can maximize your F&I profit potential. Calculate your F&I Profit Potential and receive your free personalized income development report today.

Get in Touch
Bruce Osborne, National Sales Director

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As a profit improvement company, Allstate® Dealer Services has the resources to help our partners maximize the profit generated from their F&I offerings. By partnering with our national agent base to offer in-store support, our primary focus is on income development with the goal to help each store maximize their Profit Per Vehicle Retail (PVR).

Reinsurance and Retro Programs

Reinsurance & Retro Programs

We have the profit-sharing programs needed to maximize your back-end profits. Whether it’s forming a reinsurance company or participating in our All Product Retro, we’ll provide the program best suited to meet your personal and business goals.

Service Contract Follow-up Program

Service Contract Follow Up Program

Our second chance Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) program does the heavy lifting when it comes to marketing to customers who did not purchase a VSC with their vehicle. We invite these customers to return to the dealership or call a service line where trained sales staff will help the customer complete their VSC purchase.

Superior Claims Performance

Superior Claims Performance

Filing claims is easy with Allstate Dealer Services. Our expert claims team help keep the service department moving with quick answers and fast payments. Dealers even have the option to file an eClaim and bypass the phone queue on small claims.

Our numbers speak for themselves.

  • 94.4% Calls answered in 20 seconds or less
  • 00:06 Average speed to answer

Digital Solutions

With streamlined digital solutions, you can choose which vendors and platforms to use at your dealership.



Provide electronic rating to a wide variety of third-party software systems. Real-time rating provides accurate, validated plan and rate quotes on all F&I products — at the point of sale.

eContracting Solutions

eContracting Solutions

Multiple eContracting options allows your dealerships to receive funds faster and reduce or eliminate the need for paper forms. Our products can be integrated into your front and back office systems with confidence and ease.

DMS Integration

DMS Integration

Available as an option for most of our eRating and eContracting solutions. DMS Integration eliminates redundant data entry, reducing wait time for your customers.

Dealer Portal

Dealer Portal

Enables electronic rating, contracting and remittance of Allstate F&I products. Self-service continues after the sale allowing you to submit claims electronically as well as review claim history and status.

Certified Partners

Our certified technology partners support all Allstate F&I products and ensure a smooth and consistent experience.

CDK Global Darwin Automotive DealerTrack DocuPad F&I Express The Impact Group ITap Menu MaximTrak MenuSys Menu Vantage Option Soft Reynolds & Reynolds Smart Menu Stone Eagle Vision Menu